Questions to Ask a Doula: Ensuring the Right Fit for Your Birth Experience

Choosing a doula can be one of the most important decisions you make for your pregnancy and childbirth experience. A doula provides emotional, physical, and informational support to a mother before, during, and shortly after childbirth. Studies have shown that continuous support during labor, such as that provided by a doula, can improve birth outcomes, […]
A Letter to Fathers

I’ve had five babies and I’ve been a doula and owner of MothersCare Doula Services since 1993. This letter is long overdue. I have seen and continue to see the challenges new fathers have. Your job is so important, but our culture doesn’t really acknowledge the challenges Fathers have and their irreplaceable role in the […]
A Letter for the First-Time Mom

It can be very overwhelming to welcome your first baby! It’s the most important event of our lives and yet we feel like we don’t know a thing. Here are some reading we trust and the ones that we use: The Happiest Baby on the Block by Harvey Karp, M.D. (ways to soothe a newborn) […]
TMI – How New Mothers Can Survive It

Too Much Information – What to do with it all. When I was having my first baby (he is now 41) I was determined to breastfeed. In my mind I made formula non-existent. In fact, for me, it wasn’t an option. This does not mean that I didn’t have problems. In fact, nursing my firstborn, […]
What Can a Postnatal Doula Do for Me?

The blessing of a new baby is indisputable. This blessing, however, will also bring unique challenges. How can you simplify this new, exciting time in your life? Help. One option for getting help is with a postnatal doula. Physical and Emotional Support Rest, in the form of sleep, offers one of the most significant challenges. […]
Overnight Newborn Care in CT
Guidance, Care & Practical Support Postpartum doulas can provide encouragement, breastfeeding and newborn care guidance as well as practical support such as laundry, meal preparation, light housework, and sibling care. Many people hire doulas to help with these issues, other families have their own day support through family members. Overnight Care It’s the nights though, […]
Baby Nurse vs. Doula Services & Cost in CT
What is a Baby Nurse? Baby Nurses are a fairly local phenomenon within the greater NYC area. A Baby nurse (in general) cares strictly for the baby. She will feed and care for the baby, often living-in for the duration of the set time she is hired for. She will launder the baby’s clothes and […]
Connecticut Newborn Care & Baby Doula Services
Having a new baby is one of the most thrilling events in life. Paradoxically it is also one of the hardest times of life. The adjustment throws the couple or family into a bit of chaos for a few weeks. Life always finds its rhythm again, but until then there is help available! Newborn Care […]
Helping Twins Sleep — Surviving the Early Weeks With a Consistent Routine
Twins are an awesome blessing and (they can be) an overwhelming challenge. With any newborn the most eye-opening reality is how little sleep parents will get and with twins the difficulty is obviously doubled! The following are some tips that worked for me and my twins. First few weeks It is helpful to have support […]
Birth Doula vs. Postpartum Doula – Which Do I Need?
The roles of each of these types of doulas are very different. Which one (or both) you may need can be determined by knowing how each one provides essential support. The Labor Support Doula The labor doula is a support person for the laboring woman and her partner through the process of labor and delivery. […]